Anna Kralova
Classical singing, Popular singing
Teaches also online


Bc. Anna Králová Dis. graduated classical singing in 2024 at the Teplice Conservatory in the class of Mgr. Barbory de Nunes-Cambraia and at the same time a master's degree at the Pan-European University. She studied saxophone at the Prague Conservatory and graduated from the classical singing class in the class of Jitka Sobehartova. She graduated at the Primary Art School Horní Počernice - saxophone and in the Primary Art School Šimáčkova - singing. She also studied piano, recorder and oboe at the Primary Art School of the capital city of Prague.


In classical singing and in a singing duo, she won first and second place at the Music festival of pedagogical schools and colleges, and won the statewide competition Primary Art Schools in alto saxophone category. She participated in the International Interpretation Courses in Ostrava, Saxophobia in Bratislava, Baroque Opera Courses, International Master Interpretation Courses in Brno. At Nights of Film Music she performed the songs "Now we are free", "Once Upon a Time" and "The Ecstasy of Gold". She sang the aria "Habanera" with the orchestras. She also studied the role of Wanda from the operetta Polish Blood.

Current activities

She cooperates with ATAM Saxophone Quartet. She was a founding member of the Big EVR Band. She continued to sing and play there on the alto/tenor saxophone for 10 years. She is a singer of the HoPoBand since 2013. She sings solo concerts in the church of St. Francis of Assisi, regularly performs as a soloist in the Ryba's Christmas Mass in Brandys nad Labem, Sazava and Brevnov monastery,... Since 2017, she has been cooperating with the Music Academy Prague as a lecturer and manager of its organizational team.

Marcela Vanova
+420 735 732 860
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